Post this questionnaire, with your answers, on your blog. Pick the healing class you know most about (or is the focus of your blog) for the questionnaire, and then send it over to another healing blogger you know and love who heals with a DIFFERENT class. Include a link to the blogger who sent you the questionnaire, as well as a link to the blogger to whom you are sending it.
1. What is the name, class, and spec of your primary healer? Millidin, Tauren Restro Druid
2. What is your primary group healing environment? (i.e. raids, pvp, 5 mans) Mostly 5-mans at the moment, but should be back to 10's after a bit of a break from WoW
3. What is your favorite healing spell for your class and why? Lifebloom, Procs Omen of Clarity, refreshed by Nourish, and if you accidentally let it fall off it blooms for a nice heal so no one dies, and it's even better in tree form!
4. What healing spell do you use least for your class and why? Regrowth, it's expensive. I also don't use tranquility as much as I probably should.
5. What do you feel is the biggest strength of your healing class and why? Endurance and being able to keep moving. I don't have to stand still to roll HoT's and can get out of stuff super quick, while healing, and with inervate and a mana pot, I'm good the whole fight long.
6. What do you feel is the biggest weakness of your healing class and why? No cooldowns to speak of. I mean, Tree form could be considered a cooldown, but, really, it's not. I use it as a personal defensive cooldown with barkskin more than anything.
7. In a 25 man raiding environment, what do you feel, in general, is the best healing assignment for you? 25's what are those? I'm primarily a tank healer in 10's, and would probably do the same no matter the raid size.
8. What healing class do you enjoy healing with most and why? Holy priests and paladins. They bring the cooldowns I'm missing, and I fill in the cast time gaps with HoTs.
9. What healing class do you enjoy healing with least and why? Other druids, they'll roll on my gear :P. But really, I like all healers. As long as we know what the others are doing, things will work.
10. What is your worst habit as a healer? Panicking. Results in bad mana use. Also not using the limited cooldowns that I have. I haven't been a tree in weeks! Also, compulsive dispelling. The debuffs where you have to clump up or spread out first, then dispell are a death sentence in my raid.
11. What is your biggest pet peeve in a group environment while healing? Lack of comunication in pugs.
12. Do you feel that your class/spec is well balanced with other healers for PvE healing? Yeah, I'd say so, but I would like my more powerful AoE healing abilites from Wrath back.
13. What tools do you use to evaluate your own performance as a healer? Is everyone still alive? We did good! Other than that, I have Skada and look at the distrubition of spells, and who I'm healing, yada yada. The only time I really like to look at numbers and go "I WIN!" is looking at dispells.
14. What do you think is the biggest misconception people have about your healing class? That we're nothing but raid healers.
15. What do you feel is the most difficult thing for new healers of your class to learn? How to learn to trust the HoTs.
16. If someone were to try to evaluate your performance as a healer via recount, what sort of patterns would they see (i.e. lots of overhealing, low healing output, etc)? Lack of use of cooldowns, I only have 1 why don't I use it?
17. Haste or Crit and why? Haste. Maybe Mastery, but HASTE nomnomnom.
18. What healing class do you feel you understand least? Shammans and Holy Priests. I have a Holy Pally, but I leveled my priest as disc, and I still don't quite get Shamys.
19. What add-ons or macros do you use, if any, to aid you in healing? Vuhdo. Power Auras are also useful, but No Vuhdo, no heals.
20. Do you strive primarily for balance between your healing stats, or do you stack some much higher than others, and why? Well, haste, it's tasty, and mastery, since it stopped sucking, and other than that, I could forget I have other stats on my gear. Int's a given though.