Saturday, April 10, 2010

Friday, April 9, 2010

Thoughts on Druid changes


That is all.

Catacylsm changes... huntard edition

I have friends coming to visit this weekend (Hi Munckin!), but instead of cleaning, I've been refreshing to find out about the new class changes. 

Quick thoughts on the Hunter changes (because deep down, I still have a little bit of huntard in me)

The change from mana to focus- could be interesting, but it replenishes faster while casting steady shot/cobra shot. Mmmm... steady shot spam. The talent/ability that gains you focus when you land a critical hit should also help with focus regen, like a LOT. And I like the move away from Armor Penetration as a big hunter stat, and haste and crit applying to your DoT's as a standard.... yeeeeesssss.

Also, I need to liquidate my bullets. 

I really like the idea of having pets provide ghetto buffs. My shadow priest last night was complaining about our melee heavy raid group and how he has no synergy with the buffs provided by them. It would have been nice if the hunter could just switch to a different pet and provide a missing buff.