Sunday, March 21, 2010

I, Jerkface

I have an in-game friend who recently came back to the game after being gone for a couple of months. She's lovely and nice, and plays a hunter well enough to not be a huntard.

Story 1: You are out numbered...

So, this friend, a couple of guildies and I decide to random for frost badgers one day. There's 4 of us, all from the same server, and 3 of whom are in the same guild. We zone into Old Kingdom and before we get the chance to go "ugh not this one, I hope the tank is good," the DK tank has gone "GOGOGO!" and sped off towards a pack of spiders. We do okay, until patrols start eating on me and the ranged dps, and the tank ignores the patrol and goes charging into the next pack of mobs. No one dies, but it's getting annoying.

I should note here that all 4 of us are on vent together.

So we get to after the vampire boss and he's still "gogogo! I have 5 minutes until wintergrasp!" Then several things happen at once. He jumps down off the platform, the hunter lags and goes down the stairs, and extra mobs get pulled. The hunter ends up dead, and I rez her. She says something in vent like "brb, really quick" and I say in party chat "Hey wait up a sec." The tank goes, "You're DPS, you don't matter, wintergrasp in 2 minutes!" We all go "WTF mate?" I go "Don't queue if don't have the time to complete the dungeon properly." He goes "Whatever, we'd have time if y'all weren't slow" or something like that. So, in vent we decide to be really slow, and jerks. On the boss, we just do nothing. No healing, no dps, just stand there and die. And then we started yelling stuff at him in party chat, while he was blowing cooldowns trying to solo the boss. Like "HOW I SHOT BULLIT?" "WUT AM TREE??" "DK RES ME!!!" "BREZ" "WHAT BUTTAN FOR DPS???"

It was amazingly fun. We ended up 4  manning the last boss after rezing, with resto-bear tank. That was also fun.

Story 2: The tank that didn't move (based off the red haired man that didn't move from "The Sweet Potato Queens" series)

So, the hunter and I are again throwing our selves to the mercy of the random dungeon finder. We both could use a few more triumph badges, her for gear (possibly heirlooms) and me for gems. We get FoS. We run in, buff up and stand in the little hallway that's perpendicular to the entrance and stare at the first set of mobs. The tank is still standing at the entrance. We wait a couple of minutes. I go "Tank (but I used his name because otherwise it's kinda rude in my opinon), are you there?" He goes "Yeah" but dosen't move. I wait another couple of minutes. I know I waited several minutes because my random dungeon cooldown was down to about 11 minutes. I ask "Are you coming?" He goes "I'm kinda busy right now."

The hunter and I boggle at each other. One of the other dps goes "I wish you'd just go away" at the tank, but he still dosen't move. I go at the hunter in vent "You know how to misdirect right?" She goes "Yeah...." and we misdirect the two skeleton things onto the tank, who still hadn't moved. In the ensuing chaos, one of the other dps dies, one drops group, then the hunter drops group. I'm in the process of dropping group, when I notice the tank isn't there. He stepped backwards out of the instance portal, and then says "Weren't expecting that were you?"

We ended up waiting the debuff out and queueing again.

So the morals of these stories are, even though I'm normally very nice, I can be a jerkface.

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